Post Office Box FW 22,
Effiduase-Koforidua, Eastern Region, Ghana.
Tel: +233 246 485 735
1. Editorial Responsibilities
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education (JARE) is dedicated to upholding ethical standards at all phases of the publication process. Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their ideas.
The JARE’s Editorial Board decides any concerns about publication ethics, plagiarism, authorship disputes, data integrity, or potential conflicts of interest and guarantees that these issues are promptly and fairly resolved.
We maintain a neutral position on issues in its publications, and our publication ethics align with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines, which protect the reputation of journals and the rights of authors, editors, reviewers and publishers.
The board promote an inclusive publishing opportunity that respects the rights and dignity of all contributors, regardless of their background or identity.
2. Authorship and Manuscript Submission
Authors submitting to the JARE must submit ground-breaking original manuscripts that advance knowledge and supports global development. All listed authors in papers submitted to the JARE should have made substantial and meaningful contributions to the research presented in the manuscript. They should acknowledge and respect the intellectual contributions of others and appropriately cite relevant sources.
All listed authors should adhere to the highest ethical standards in conducting research and reporting findings and avoid all forms of research misconduct. They should ensure their manuscripts are free from scientific and writing errors or inaccuracies. If any significant errors or omissions are discovered after publication, authors must promptly notify the journal and cooperate in issuing necessary corrections or retractions.
3. Forms of Research Misconduct
Data fabrication means that the researcher did not actually perform the study but instead made up data. Data falsification means the researcher did the experiment but then changed some of the data.
Taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Plagiarism also includes copying a sentence from someone else’s manuscript or even one of your works that has previously been published without proper citation. The JARE evaluates all submissions for plagiarism before reviews are initiated.
It is unethical to submit the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously. Doing this wastes the time of editors and peer reviewers and can damage the reputation of journals if published in more than one. Authors who make multiple submissions will have their articles retracted upon verification and will be made to pay the full Article Processing Charge of USD 1,000, which our automatic waiver policy has covered. Similar charges will be issued to authors who submit their papers under review to other journals without the approval of the Editor-in-Chief.
This means publishing many very similar manuscripts based on the same experiment. It can make readers less likely to pay attention to your manuscripts.
All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript and have approved all its claims. Do not forget to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution, including students and laboratory technicians. All contributors without merit authorship must be duly acknowledged for their efforts.
4. Corrections, Retractions, and Expressions of Concern
The JARE places great importance on the integrity and accuracy of the scientific record. The Editorial Board of the JARE will take appropriate action to rectify the situation in cases of proven misconduct, serious errors, or ethical concerns, following COPE’s guidelines.
The Editorial Board will promptly publish to rectify factual errors, clarify ambiguities, or update information in previously published articles. The journal values transparency and accountability and strives to correct the scholarly record responsibly.
The Editorial Board will issue retractions in cases of research misconduct, plagiarism, fraudulent data, or other serious ethical violations. The JARE acknowledges the importance of maintaining the highest standards of scientific integrity and will take firm action to retract any article that undermines the trust of readers and the academic community.
The Editorial Board will publish expressions of concern when there are well-founded suspicions of misconduct, unresolved issues, or uncertainties regarding the integrity of a published article. The journal is committed to thoroughly investigating such concerns to safeguard the integrity of the scholarly record.
5. Conflicts of Interest
The Editorial Board, reviewers, and authors are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their objectivity, judgment, or decision-making process. Conflicts of interest can include financial relationships, professional collaborations, personal connections, or other circumstances that may compromise impartiality or raise questions about integrity. Conflicts of interest will be appropriately managed, disclosed, and considered during the editorial and peer review processes to ensure transparency, fairness, and the avoidance of bias.
6. Complaints and Appeals
The JARE values feedback and encourages open communication from authors, reviewers, or readers with concerns or complaints. All parties and stakeholders are encouraged to always contact the Editor-in-Chief [Email:] in writing, providing detailed information about the issue. The Editorial Board will promptly, thoroughly, and impartially address complaints and appeals. All concerns raised will be carefully investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of all parties involved. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved through the journal’s internal processes, complainants may seek external assistance or appeal to relevant professional bodies or organisations.
This Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement embodies the core values and principles of the JARE, and it serves as a testament to our commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, academic integrity, ethical conduct, and the advancement of multidisciplinary research.
7. Access
The JARE and individual articles are FREE and available to all our readers without any fee payment.
8. Archiving
The JARE is backed up electronically at CrossRef, which preserves access to the journal content if the journal is no longer published. This establishes access to the archive of published papers via Digital Object Identifier (DOI® number). All manuscripts published in the JARE are assigned DOI® numbers since December 2021 as a string of numbers, letters and symbols to permanently identify an article or document and link to it on the web. The JARE adopts a Creative Commons license that authors retain the copyright of their articles and allows users to freely access, distribute, and build upon the published content while giving appropriate credit to the authors.
9. Revenue Sources
The JARE is mainly funded by the Centre for Behaviour and Wellness Advocacy (formerly KAD International, Ghana) in partnership with Cherkas Global University Press (Washington, District of Columbia, USA). As evident on the journal’s website, all papers submitted are FREE, and the automatic waiver policy coverage does not influence editorial decision-making.
10. Advertising
All advertisements accepted by the JARE should be relevant to our scope, of potential interest to its readership, and act in accordance with applicable regional and state laws, regulations, and ethical standards. The Editorial Board ensures that advertisements do not compromise the JARE’s editorial content’s independence, objectivity, or credibility. Accepting such content does not imply endorsing the advertised products, services, or organisations. The Editorial Board will ensure that advertisements are not related in any way to editorial decision-making and shall be kept separate from the published content.
11. Direct Marketing
The Editorial Board of JARE will ensure that any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts on behalf of the journal, shall be appropriate, well-targeted, and unobtrusive. All information provided about the Centre for Behaviour and Wellness Advocacy or the JARE in such instances will be truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.