3 December 14, 2016
Articles and Statements
Emmanuel Dziwornu, Yvonne Otubea Otchere, Eric Howusu-KumiPost-recruitment Issues Regarding Clinical Psychologists in Ghana: the Elephant in the Room?
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 125-133.Abstract:
Psychology, though having a relatively long history in Ghana is still at its budding stage. Clinical psychologists in Ghana began to be recruited into the health sector following the passage of Act 587 in 2013. After the Ministry of Health began to formally recruit clinical psychologists, majority of regions in Ghana can boast of a psychologist. Notwithstanding this initiative, there are some challenges that need to be addressed in order to enhance the practice of clinical psychologists in the health sector. Challenges discussed in this paper include; administrative, institutional and qualification issues. These issues, though offered little attention currently, affect the overall psychological practice and the quality of life of the general population.
Joseph Reginard MilingaEducating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Schools: Results from Two Schools in Tanzania
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 134-147.Abstract:
The quest for equal access, participation and success in education for persons with disabilities is paramount in today’s global education context, and Tanzania is no exception. Since the ages of “denial” to “full inclusion”, educating students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms has had been responded differently by teachers and students alike across countries. Confronted by different challenges in their education, students with disabilities are to devise mechanisms to excel in such restrictive learning environments. Informed by interpretive research traditions with 59 purposefully selected participants, this paper explores challenges that students with disabilities are faced with and coping strategies used by these students in their schooling in two inclusive secondary schools in Tanzania. The findings indicate that, students with disabilities are faced with challenges which are teacher and environment-related. Consequently, the students with disabilities use complaints, assistance seeking, self-initiatives, isolation and despair, and assertiveness to cope with the challenges. The study concludes that; educational stakeholders should work collaboratively in order to lessen the impact of the restrictive nature of learning environments for students with disabilities. The paper recommends on improved teacher preparation and continued professional development in order to cater for the learning needs of students with disabilities in inclusive schools.
Irina V. Shugurova, Mark V. ShugurovCopyright or Right-To-Copy? Towards the Proper Balance between Freedom of Expression and Copyright in Cyberspace
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 148-157.Abstract:
This article examined the renewed theoretical approaches to seeking the proper balance between the human right to freedom of expression, opinion and information on the one hand, and copyright on the other hand. This analysis was done with regard to the context of current information society’s digital environment. This article showed that the way of striking a renewed balance between the two is by reforming the existing copyright law. It is recommended that, an upgraded copyright law must be able to prevent the tensions between exclusive rights and the right to freedom of expression.
Olha Osova, Violetta PanchenkoModern Textbooks and Prospects for Innovative Technologies: Effects on Teaching Foreign Languages in Ukraine
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 158-168.Abstract:
The use of modern textbooks is currently affecting the growth and development of Ukrainian higher educational establishments. Keywords like; “teaching”, “foreign languages”, “textbook”, “training manual”, “electronic textbook”, and “electronic training manual” were used to search for scientific pedagogical and methodological literature. The review shows a convergence tendency among the different kinds of educational publications and redistribution of their functions. The article indicates that the limits imposed by textbooks are indistinct due to their integration into other educational training manuals and publications [such as workbooks, reference books, reading books, dictionaries]. The advantages of multimedia means can be realized in full, only if the perception of new information is accompanied by different kinds of cognitive activities: from motor functions to inductive, logical and creative thinking. These goals can be achieved using the complex of exercises presented in the contents of the analyzed electronic textbooks.
Oksana Zhernovnykova, Nataliya YuhnoCloud Services in Educational Settings: A Must for Future Nursing Training
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 169-173.Abstract:
This paper presents research directions from both domestic and foreign scientists regarding the preparation of future nurses to work with cloud services. It also suggests possible ways of implementing these services in their future professional activities. Results from this paper constructively discusses the technical integration challenges of cloud environments with existing systems. It also explores in details, the performance of cloud services and the benefits of their use in modern medicine. This paper has implications for health, cloud services and software engineering.
Elena V. Semenikhina, Artem A. YurchenkoProfessional Readiness of Teachers to Use Computer Visualization Tools: A Crucial Drive
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 174-178.Abstract:
The training of teachers involves the formation of skills which are meant to be used in their future professional activities. Given the exponential increase in information content, there is a need to look into the levels and components of the professional readiness of teachers to use computer visualization tools. This article describes the four levels of teachers’ readiness [passive, basic, conscious, active] to use computer visualization tools. These levels are based on the proposed components of teachers’ readiness [motivational, cognitive, technological, reflexive] to use these tools.
Tetiana SavchenkoProfessionally-Oriented Communication Styles of Social Pedagogues: A Review
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2016, Vol.(7), Is. 3, pp. 179-183.Abstract:
Communication is important in all human endeavours. This article evaluates the concept of “style” - in a professional setting. This paper comprehensively examines, the “individual style of communication”, the “style of pedagogical communication” and the “social pedagogues’ professionally-oriented communication style”. It also examines the essence of an individual style of professionally-oriented communication among social pedagogues. The main focus of this paper concentrates scientists’ views regarding the characteristics of each communication style. Finally, the major professionally-oriented communication styles within the spectrum of social pedagogues were similarly analyzed. An effective individual style of productive communication is the best style of professionally-oriented communication among social pedagogues.